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Watch Day 21: Strong Shoulders in Tripod Headstand with Kerri

Watch Day 21: Strong Shoulders in Tripod Headstand with Kerri

Day 21: Strong Shoulders in Tripod Headstand with Kerri

Beginner Yoga & Basic Yoga Mix BUNDLE • 14m

Up Next in Beginner Yoga & Basic Yoga Mix BUNDLE

  • Day 22: Glide Through the Hamstrings,...

    Day 22 is Supta Padangusthasana. This reclining forward fold is a great place to work on deepening your forward fold. Kino guides you through a conscious activation of the inner body to protect the hamstrings while lengthening them. Glide through the ball and socket of the hip joint while support...

  • Day 23: Strengthen your Shoulder and ...

    Day 23 is Side Plank. Join Kerri to activate new levels of your side plank. Build a healthy foundation in your shoulders and core to progress deeper into your practice. Side plank is a great integration of the abs and shoulders and prepares for deeper and more challenging arm balances and strengt...

  • Day 24: Set Your Inner Direction, Com...

    Day 24 is Compass Pose, called Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana in Sanskrit, is a combination of core strength and flexibility. Join Kino on this inner journey to the center of the pelvis where the hips open, the hamstrings lengthen and he mind is calm. Don't rush the journey of flexibility, just relax...